Chosen, I am Chosen!

The Oshkosh International Pathfinder Camporee 2019 is reflective of a great movement, a movement of young people from around the world coming to one place to experience the love of God in a collective manner. You may have heard or read about it. It was an amazing experience for the youth of the Seventh-day Adventist … Read more

Strength in Diversity

The fall is one of my favorite seasons of the year. Every year, I take time to go to the mountains of New Hampshire to contemplate the breathtaking and diverse colors of the foliage. I enjoy the spring and summer when every leaf on the trees is green; but the diversity of the fall colors … Read more

Health: Our Best Investment

Living a healthy lifestyle not only benefits individuals, but also those who may be within their sphere of influence. As we get older, our bodies are subject to more and more diseases that can cause devastating impacts on our lives and the lives of our families. It is, therefore, very important that we pay more … Read more

Bring on the Youth!

It’s a small city. Two of Joshua’s men report to the leader of the nation that God has blessed, that they can easily take the city of Ai with only “two or three thousand men” (Joshua 7:3, KJV). The children of Israel had just conquered Jericho and witnessed the greatest manifestation of divine intervention yet … Read more

Take Time for Spiritual Self-care

When was the last time you conducted a “spiritual audit” on your life? Spiritual audits provide a great opportunity to determine our growth in various areas of our walk with Christ. It is likely that, for many of us, we just fell in line with the routine of the church after our baptism and it … Read more

A Legacy of Eternal Value

“There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”—Proverbs 6:16-19 … Read more

Empowering Our Youth for Service

The youth are not only our future, but they are impacting the work of the church today. As we reflect on biblical history, many of the outstanding leaders in Israel were young adults. People such as Joseph, who distinguished himself in Egypt by standing firmly for his moral convictions and not accepting Potiphar’s wife’s invitation … Read more

The Way He Did It!

The 21st century church is struggling to find a perfect or fitting method to share Jesus with the world. Social and technological changes are moving at a speed with which religions have not been able to keep up. The advancement in communication, although it has benefited the church in many ways, is still by far … Read more

Faith and Love

God’s Faithfulness and Love Faith in the Bible is associated very closely with love. Much has been written about faith, hope, and love. Faith and love appear together more than twice the number of times as faith and hope. In the Old Testament, the association of faith and love relate mainly to God’s love and … Read more

Looking Back . . . Moving Forward

God has been faithful to His promise of being with us and guiding us as we carry out the mission of hope and wholeness. As we look back at 2018, we can identify the progress made by Atlantic Union Conference in spite of its challenges. At the onset of 2018, we were faced with the … Read more