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To produce Christ-centered Seventh-day Adventist programming for broadcast.
To reach millions of people with the Advent Message in New York City and other cities in the Atlantic Union through satellite and cable television.

Early History
In 2002, Donald King, Atlantic Union president, invited Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) to partner with the union in reaching New York for Christ through the cable television stations. As a result of this partnership, the two conferences in the metropolitan New York area, along with a local New York based coordinating committee, headed by Ruben Carr Jr., have conducted major letter-writing and phone-call campaigns to get 3ABN on cable in New York. The campaign officially began with a rally held at Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church in Harlem on July 20, 2002. Since that time, rallies to create awareness have been held at churches in the New York City area and transmitted live on 3ABN. As a result, many contacts have been made to Time Warner and Cablevision.
With the assistance of 3ABN, a generous donor who has a deep interest in inner-city work gave a major gift to the Atlantic Union to help in developing ways of reaching the masses in New York City and other cities for Christ. The Atlantic Union Adventist Media Governing Board was subsequently formed to manage the use and disbursement of the donation as well as to determine sources of additional funds for this project. The decision was made to purchase a production truck rather than utilizing a fixed facility, and have it customized with all the equipment necessary to videotape, edit, and produce local programs. Subsequently, the North American Division, who also shares a passion for inner-city evangelism, gave the additional funds needed to complete the customization of the production truck. In addition, individuals in the Greater New York and Northeastern conferences have given generous donations toward this project.
The truck was dedicated on June 11, 2005, when services were held at the Linden Seventh-day Adventist Church in Laurelton, New York. The entire days proceedings were transmitted live on 3ABN. The dedication of the production truck signaled the beginning of a powerful ministry. The truck will travel throughout the Atlantic Union to major evangelistic and other significant events. Members of the AUAM governing board will make plans and set schedules for the programs that will be recorded for broadcast. This is another avenue of fulfilling the mission of the Atlantic Union Conference to “lead all people, through the power of the everlasting gospel, into a growing, balanced, mature Christian experience to develop the church family, to serve the local community, and to prepare every person for the soon coming of Jesus Christ.”