Portland Head Light

Ministerial Spouses Association

Our Mission

We exist to empower and support the conference Ministerial Spouses Association (Shepherdess) leadership and ministerial spouses through networking, resourcing, and training.

Emphasis on:

  • Spouses of employed pastors, departmental directors, and administrators
  • Spouses of theology teachers
  • Spouses of theology students
  • Spouses of retired and deceased ministers
  • Spouses of military and civilian chaplains (medical facilities, academic institutions, prisons)






To assist the spouses of ministers in:

  1. Spiritual growth
  2. Clarification of their role as a minister’s spouse
  3. Development of a team ministry with spouse, uniquely suited to her/his own interests and abilities
  4. Finding fellowship and a support system
  5. Developing stronger relationships with spouse and children
  6. Understanding and supporting their children to flourish in their environment

Values: Spirit-led . . .


The Ministerial Spouses Association Team

Dominique Jules

Ministerrial Spouses Association Director
