Ministerial Spouses Association
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Our Mission
We exist to empower and support the conference Ministerial Spouses Association (Shepherdess) leadership and ministerial spouses through networking, resourcing, and training.
Emphasis on:
- Spouses of employed pastors, departmental directors, and administrators
- Spouses of theology teachers
- Spouses of theology students
- Spouses of retired and deceased ministers
- Spouses of military and civilian chaplains (medical facilities, academic institutions, prisons)
To assist the spouses of ministers in:
- Spiritual growth
- Clarification of their role as a minister’s spouse
- Development of a team ministry with spouse, uniquely suited to her/his own interests and abilities
- Finding fellowship and a support system
- Developing stronger relationships with spouse and children
- Understanding and supporting their children to flourish in their environment
Values: Spirit-led . . .