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Our Mission
To communicate and report mission-driven and pertinent information to the constituency of the Atlantic Union, and to serve as a resource to the communication departments of the six conferences and other institutions in the Atlantic Union.
Communication influences every aspect of life. It is part and parcel of every department of the church. Departmental personnel assist the union administrators and other church leaders in communicating organizational policies, news, and church information to church members, church employees, and the public at large. The department also is the primary church entity that develops a positive image with the public to create an openness to the gospel. This is accomplished through a network of conference and local church communication directors.
The Communication Team
Conference Communication Directors

Clavour Tucker
Greater New York Conference

Wayne Jamel
Associate Director
Greater New York Conference

Reynolds Rodriguez
New York Conference

Gary Saunders
Assistant Director
Northeastern Conference

Amy Gallimore
Assistant Director
Northeastern Conference

Shawn Santana