Our Mission
To preserve and maintain official records and minutes of the Atlantic Union Executive Committee, Administrators’ Council, Association Board, Administrative Committee, Directors’ Meeting, and other committees. To secure and make available knowledge of the Atlantic Union Constitution, General Conference and North American Division policies relevant to the Atlantic Union, and to liasion with the executive secretaries of the six conferences in the Atlantic Union.
The Office of the Secretariat Team
Conference Executive Secretaries
DeJaun Tull
Executive Secretary
Bermuda Conference
Ariel Manzueta
Executive Secretary
Greater New York Conference
Claudio Gomez
Executive Secretary
New York Conference
Nicardo Delahaye
Executive Secretary
Northeastern Conference
Keith Albury
Associate Executive Secretary / Planned Giving and Trust Services Director
Northeastern Conference
Brad Cauley
Executive Secretary
Northern New England Conference
Edgardo Herrera
Executive Secretary