
    • Adventist Youth Ministries (AYM)  oversees ministry to teens, youth, young adults, collegiates, Adventist Youth Societies, Adventurers, and Pathfinders, in the Atlantic Union Conference.
    • ASI (Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries) is self-supporting organization of Seventh-day Adventist lay men and women who provide support for Church programs from their businesses, professional offices, and/or outreach ministries under the motto “Sharing Christ in the Marketplace.”
    • Communication communicates and reports mission-driven and pertinent information to the constituency of the Atlantic Union, and to serve as a resource to the communication departments of the six conferences.
    • Disabilities Ministries  Through the Ministry to People with Disabilities, a local church should give special attention to members and others with disabilities.
    • Education  The primary aim of Seventh-day Adventist education is to provide opportunity for students to accept Christ as their Savior, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and to fulfill the commission of preaching the gospel to all the world.
    • Family Ministries  Family Ministries works to develop resources, coordinate and promote training events, and provide networking opportunities for those who work on behalf of families in the North American Division. The vision statement is “healthy families for eternity.”
    • Health Ministries  Adventist Health Ministries seeks to fulfill its role by providing resource support, leadership training, organizational development, representation, mentoring, event planning and professional support to Adventist churches and members.
    • Men’s Ministries  Galvanize the energy and resources of men for God, family, church and community.
    • Ministerial  The role of the Atlantic Union Ministerial Department is to equip pastors to achieve their highest personal and professional potential
    • Personal Ministries  Personal Ministries Department’s primary focus is evangelism. Its goal is to help prepare men and women for the kingdom of glory. The Personal Ministries Department works closely with the other church departments to assist in their evangelistic efforts
    • Prayer Ministries  This ministry is for adults, teens, prayer coordinators and pastors providing experiences and training in prayer and small groups.
    • Prison Ministries  privilege to encourage, inspire, educate, coordinate, and offer advocacy for all persons within the Atlantic Union territory who choose to serve as prison volunteers.
    • Singles Ministries – Reaching and empowering single adults to create Christ-centered safe places for fellowship, nurture and service.
    • Sabbath School – The purpose of the Sabbath School is to make disciples for Christ. It includes the nurture of spiritual growth in members and prospective members, as well as the unchurched who join in the fellowship, study, sharing and service.
    • StewardshipWe serve the Atlantic Union constituency with information and educational material to inspire the pastors and members to financial faithfulness
    • Women’s Ministries – The spiritual vision of the Atlantic Union Conference Women’s Ministries is to lift up Jesus Christ by enabling women to discover and realize their leadership and ministry potential within their home, church, and community.