Plans are firmly in place for the Greater New York and Northeastern conferences to hold a joint camp meeting on June 29 in support of NY13. It is occurring on the first weekend of English camp meeting for both conferences. The venue is the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York.
In addition to Sabbath School and the worship service, the day’s program includes a baptism, musical program, compassion ministry to the community, a health expo, and reports and testimonies of what God is already doing in metro New York as a result of the NY13 “Revelation of Hope” meetings. (See details on page 23.) This camp meeting event is one of the significant highlights of the NY13 initiative, with more to come in the months ahead.
Since the launch of NY13 in April, activities are occurring daily. Members are engaged in round-the-clock prayer on behalf of the meetings and they will continue on that schedule until October 31. Evangelistic meetings are occurring weekly in various languages in churches in New York City, Southern Connecticut, and Northern New Jersey.
The NETS team has been conducting classes at the Spanish Broadway church in Manhattan since March and the first graduation is scheduled for June 30 at 10:00 a.m. at the church. (See
Hundreds of evangelists from around the world will be in New York from June 7-29 to attend the International Field School of Evangelism led by Mark Finley, assistant to the General Conference president, and Robert Costa, General Conference Ministerial Association associate secretary. The evangelists will also be conducting meetings at various locations in metro New York. (See
The Atlantic Union Conference Office of Education is sponsoring several music clinics in conjunction with NY13. Academy students from around the Atlantic Union will participate in the next music clinic on June 24-28 at the Brooklyn school. All these music clinics conclude with a Sabbath-evening concert that is free and open to the public.
From week to week there is a schedule of various health events that will not only engage the members, but also reach out to the community to encourage them in ways that will produce better health and wellness. (See
The youth and young adults are engaged in activities through the Compassion Movement. They bring hope and help to many in the city who are in need. (See
If there was ever a time when member-participation in the activities of the church is key, it is now. Imagine what would happen if every church and member supported NY13 because they believe in the ministry of reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and imagine what would happen if they decided to put their belief into action and invested their time in it. The end result would be phenomenal!
None of what’s happening in New York City now would be possible without the commitment of church members. Thousands of members are already engaged. What about you? If you are not sure how you can become involved, first, seek the Lord in prayer for His direction on what you should do and then contact your local church pastor, or the health ministries, personal ministries, prayer ministries, or youth ministries director. They will be able to point you in the right direction.
Whatever role you choose to play in this initiative in metro New York, remember to do your best and the Lord will take care of the rest.
Ednor A. P. Davison is the editor of the Atlantic Union Gleaner and assistant to the president for communication in the Atlantic Union Conference