The Rain of Grace

Who has cut a channel for the flood water, or the path for the thunderstorm; to cause it to rain on a land where no man is; on the wilderness, in which there is no man; to satisfy the waste and desolate ground, to cause the tender grass to spring forth?”—Job 38:25-27, River Bible

God alone gives rain and the same is true of grace. Every blade of grass, every drop of dew, to every believer He gives His portion of grace. Rain comes in its own way (most times), apart from the power and influence of humans. But grace comes always in its own way, sent in due measure by God to bring conviction and enlightenment, apart from the wisdom or intellect of man.

It is interesting that rain generally falls regardless of the efforts of men. Rain does not wait on men’s observation or reflection. But when it comes, like grace, it blesses the heart in its own way, in its own time. The grass does not call for rain, yet the rain falls. Rain falls on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45) and so does the marvelous grace of our Lord.

Rain sometimes falls where there is no trace of former rain. It falls where we least expect it. Even in the desolate wilderness, where no one dwells, it falls in torrential showers or a gentle drizzle. So does grace as it enters hearts that seem too barren for cultivation, too desolate for growth and development, except where a great need provides the only plea for heavenly intervention.

Rain gives joy to seeds and plants in which there is life. Loving life knows it. Tender herb rejoices in it. And so it is with those who confess and repent of their sins and who are justified by His grace. The rain causes development and bloom of seeds and plants. Buds of hope grow into strong faith. Buds of faith grow into eternal life.

The rain causes health and vigor of life. Is it not the same with grace? The rain nourishes the flower with its verdant colors and perfume. The Lord is pleased and smiles upon the earth. The development of a renewed nature comes from grace and the Lord is also well pleased. Let us acknowledge the sovereignty of God’s grace. Let us plead to Him for His bountiful grace. Let us expect Him to send it, however inadequate and unworthy we may be.

As rain is pleasurable to languishing plants, to make them green and beautiful again, so is the effect of Christ’s influence of grace upon our souls. It enlightens us and comforts us in our spiritual walk with Him. As grass springs up, the bud opens, the leaf extends, and the flower emits fragrance as if they were under the most careful cultivation. Be assured that all this is the work of God, since man cannot even pretend to produce these effects. But could it be that our pious stupidity could make us to want less and less of that which the Lord relishes to give?

May the rain of grace impact your life and heart today to lead us home to love and eternal life.

Donald G. King is president of the Atlantic Union Conference and chairman of the Atlantic Union College Board of Trustees.