For the first time in the history of our church, an evangelistic initiative has been launched that will encompass all levels of the church, from the local church to the General Conference. Never has there been such collaboration between all levels for a soul-winning experience (not just an event) that will impact a major city of the world—metropolitan New York. NY13 (named for the focused city impact in 2013) will involve preparation and training in 2012, culminating in multiple evangelistic reaping campaigns in 2013 and beyond.
We believe the time has come for an all-out offensive that will take more than a bite out of the Big Apple. It will be an adventure that will impact communities on a local level where our churches exist.NY13 is designed to spread the gospel of Christ, utilizing all the available ministries of the church. We’re talking about prayer ministries, small group ministries, Bible-instructor training ministries, community services, health ministries, youth and young adult ministries, publishing, children’s ministries, language ministries, local school evangelism, women’s ministries, and others. The plan calls for scores and scores of ministry training events that will take place in local churches in 2012.
On the weekend of September 21-22, a massive Evangelism and Prayer Rally will be held in New York City, featuring our own General Conference world president, Ted Wilson, who will speak and pray with thousands of faithful believers in attendance.
Starting in 2013, there will be hundreds of evangelistic reaping campaigns conducted in New York City over a seven-month period. Wilson and many other world division leaders will join with local pastors, local conference, and union conference leaders to participate in evangelistic campaigns in the city. Plans for follow-up and nurture of new believers through church planting efforts will be a prominent part of the overall strategy.
Recently, a Pastoral Orientation Meeting was held at the Linden church in Queens to launch strategic plans for NY13 among the pastors of metropolitan New York. More than 250 pastors and leaders from five conferences—Greater New York, Northeastern, New Jersey, Allegheny East, and Southern New England—were in attendance. Leaders from the Atlantic and Columbia unions and the North American Division were also present. It was truly inspiring to witness the coming together of workers and leaders from different territories who are bound by a common objective symbolized by NY13.
Speaking of work in the cities, the messenger of the Lord states, “The work in the cities is the essential work for this time. When the cities are worked as God would have them, the result will be the setting in operation of a mighty movement such as we have not yet witnessed”—Medical Ministry, p. 304.
Please join us in earnest prayer today and going forward that the Holy Spirit will saturate every plan, effort, training, reaping, and nurturing for the city of New York as we, together, journey on a bold adventure in soul-winning for Christ in this great metropolis.
Donald G. King is president of the Atlantic Union Conference and chairman of the Atlantic Union College, Inc., Board of Trustees.