The Society of Adventist Communicators—It’s Not For Professionals Only

It seems like a sort of vicious cycle: I’m not employable without experience, but I can’t get experience without employment.

As a communication student, I understand the dire need for experience before I can get a job, but finding opportunities to obtain experience or a job can be a challenge. So what’s a person to do? The Society of Adventist Communicators is the answer.

Created by Seventh-day Adventist communication professionals from all over North America, the society is not just comprised of established professionals. This organization was created for the purpose of nurturing the spiritual, social, and professional growth of its members. A major part of the society is providing mentorship to students interested in a communication career.

As if that weren’t enough, the society holds an annual convention in which upwards of 200 individuals—even some from outside North America—attend presentations, workshops, and seminars to foster growth and professionalism within their field.

Workshops are presented by some of the brightest and best communication professionals working for the worldwide church and outside the church structure in corporate and freelance settings.

This atmosphere is prime for university students to learn the nuances of their fields, and to finally get those much-needed contacts. The convention provides access to otherwise unreachable internships, job opportunities, and professional mentoring relationships.

For all communication professionals and aspiring students, being a part of SAC provides the fellowship and mentorship that can only be attained by associating with like-minded individuals seeking to excel in their fields and spread the gospel wherever they go.

This year, the convention will be held at Hotel Albuquerque Old Town, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It will run from Thursday, October 18 through Saturday, October 20. While all meetings and exhibits will be held at the hotel, many attractions are within walking distance.

The theme for the convention is “Soaring to New Heights,” inviting communicators to “stretch” themselves and reach new heights with the skills they may learn at the convention.

There is a lot more to be said about SAC and its benefits, but the only way to know for sure is to find out for yourself—especially if you are a student. Consider this your formal invitation to Albuquerque this October, and seize the opportunity to network and get that internship or job that you need.

Pablo Colindres, a junior communication major at Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska, spent this past summer as a student intern in the Southwestern Union Communication Department.