Highlights of the NY13 Evangelism and Prayer Rally – Photos

The weekend of September 21-23 was packed with activities surrounding NY13, the evangelistic initiative scheduled for the metropolitan area of New York City in 2013. Here are a few photo highlights of the event.

Friday Afternoon:

On Friday afternoon representatives from the Atlantic Union, Greater New York, and Northeastern conferences, along with others from the North American Division and the General Conference, had a brief visit with the mayor’s senior advisor to share information about the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s health message, the events planned for New York City, and to show support for the mayor’s initiative to cut back on sugary drinks in his fight against obesity.

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Friday Night:

Donald King, Atlantic Union Conference president, left, talks with Ted Wilson, Seventh-day Adventist Church president, and Dan Jackson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, about their vision for New York City and the Revelation of Hope evangelism initiative for 2013.
Rallying the crowd with the Friday-night message, Carlton Byrd, Breath of Life Ministries speaker/director, said, “The work of God cannot be stopped. The gospel will go forth. Souls will be saved with or without you. . . . Let’s take New York by storm!”

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Carlyle Simmons, Atlantic Union Prayer Ministries director, left, and Pat Langley, Northeastern Conference Prayer Ministries director, led the prayer time during the Sabbath morning program.
During the worship service, Ted Wilson, Seventh-day Adventist Church president, who wants to reach 650 cities around the world, New York being the first, said, “I am absolutely amazed that so many divisions have caught the vision of reaching the millions in the cities and are making serious plans. This just thrills my heart because it’s a fulfillment of what God has intended for a long time. “
At the end of the morning service, a team went door to door in the neighborhood distributing The Great Hope and praying with people in the community.
Robert Costa, General Conference Ministerial Association associate secretary, presented the Sabbath afternoon message during the program that was presented in Spanish.
In his message during the closing program on Sabbath evening, Jules said, “We will not know what is going on in the community if we go to church once a week. We must meet people at their point of need, not at our point of need. . . . We must be a ‘going’ church if we are to be a growing church.”

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The behind the scenes crew for the Evangelism and Prayer Rally that was held at the North Bronx church.

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Sunday – Let’s Move Day

In the final event for the weekend, nearly 1,000 participants and volunteers gathered on Sunday morning in Flushing Meadows Park in Queens, New York, one of many sites participating in the annual Let’s Move Day, to promote physical activity for people of all ages.