“Cure for a Broken World,” a revival and relationships series, was held at the Community Worship Center (CWC) in Springfield Gardens, New York, February 7-13. Guest presenters were Donald King, Atlantic Union Conference president, who spoke on last-day prophetic events; and Lois King, Atlantic Union Conference Women’s Ministries and Ministerial Spouses Association director, who spoke on relationships.
“In spite of inclement weather in the area during the same time, attendance was very good throughout the week, and especially high on the weekends,” said Donald King. Among those in attendance were Daniel Honoré, Northeastern Conference president; G. Earl Knight, Greater New York Conference president; and Rohann Wellington, Greater New York Conference communication director and assistant to the president for strategic planning.
Sabbath, February 13, was a spirit-filled day as CWC pastor Abraham Jules, together with King, conducted 21 baptisms at the conclusion of the meetings. Later that same day, the place was filled as the Kings conducted a special relationships seminar geared toward understanding some of the inherent differences between men and women.
The day ended with a solemn ceremony held outdoors at which the prayer requests collected each
night during the meetings were lit. As the smoke ascended, the church members praised God in songs and prayers. “We thank God for the outpouring of His Holy Spirit during this past week,” King said.
Debra McKinney Banks, communication office assistant, Atlantic Union Conference