Atlantic Union College (AUC) submitted in December 2011, a completed application to the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education for the purpose of reestablishing degree-granting authority. Over the past several months, AUC has continued to submit additional documents to the state as well as a complete audited financial statement. Additional documents were submitted as requested.
Most recently, Atlantic Union College has been notified by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education that a site visit is pending for late summer 2012, to evaluate the reestablishment of degree-granting authority. This site visit will be done by a complete academic team and will evaluate AUCs ability to obtain future academic programs, as well as the reestablishment of its prior degree-granting authority.
In other related matters, AUC has embarked on a new strategic planning process, garnering input from some of the strongest academic and strategic planning authorities within the Adventist Church to help design (shape) the future of the college. AUC has completed the placement of each of its conference-sponsored and non-sponsored M.ED. students, as well as the placement of the Adult Degree Program (ADP) students to top-rated universities committed to the timely completion of the learner’s educational goals.
Six AUC ADP graduates recently completed their degrees at Southwestern Adventist University on May 6, 2012, and six other (additional) students are scheduled to complete their academic studies within the next semester. Please continue to pray for the growth and development of AUC, as we continue to move onward and upward.
Donald G. King, president of the Atlantic Union Conference, and chairman of the Atlantic Union College, Inc., Board of Trustees
Gina Brown, administrative educational consultant, Atlantic Union College, Inc.