Behind the Scenes of AUAM

Let’s face it, many people often take for granted what goes on behind the scenes of any program they attend or watch. It is a world behind the scenes that often goes unrecognized. One such program is Atlantic Union Adventist Media (AUAM) ministry. What do you really know about the ministry and the people behind the scenes?

AUAM is a media ministry of the Atlantic Union Conference that has been in existence for about nine years. AUAM is committed to spreading the gospel through television, the Internet, and new technology.

A Brief History
AUAM was established when, with the assistance of 3ABN, a generous donor, who has a deep interest in inner-city work, gave a major gift to the Atlantic Union to help in developing ways of reaching the masses in New York City and other cities for Christ. Donald G. King, Atlantic Union Conference president, and the Atlantic Union Adventist Media Governing Board made the decision to purchase a production truck rather than utilizing a fixed facility, and have it customized with all the equipment necessary to video record, edit, and produce local programs.

Subsequently, the North American Division, which also shares a passion for inner-city evangelism, gave the additional funds needed to complete the customization of the production truck. In addition, individuals in the Greater New York and Northeastern conferences have given generous donations toward this project. The truck was dedicated on June 11, 2005, during services held at the Linden church in Laurelton, New York.

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Places AUAM Has Been
The AUAM production truck has traveled from the Atlantic Union headquarters in Massachusetts, to Rhode Island, to New York City, to upstate New York, and to Bermuda (without the truck). They have recorded hundreds of hours of programs around the Atlantic Union, including camp meetings, women’s ministries conventions, a pastors and teachers convention, the joint camp meeting at the Nassau Coliseum, live church services, a Breath of Life revival with Carlton Byrd, speaker/director of Breath of Life Ministries, and a Revelation of Hope Series with Ted Wilson, Seventh-day Adventist world church president, to name a few. Individuals are able to watch archived programs online at

Some of the Shows Produced
The AUAM team has produced and recorded several programs that were aired either on television or online. They include:

•    3ABN Today—a two hour special interview entitled “The Heritage Series,” featuring C. D. Brooks, speaker/director emeritus of Breath of Life Ministries;

•    Families 4 Heaven—a half-hour 13-part series on various topics aired on Hope Channel and 3ABN with hosts Alanzo Smith, Greater New York Conference ministerial director, and his wife, June;

•    Pathway of Hope—a half-hour preaching program with Abraham J. Jules, speaker/director, that aired on Hope Channel, 3ABN, and 3ABN’s Dare to Dream Network;

•    Let’s Connect Live with Donald King, Atlantic Union Conference president—90-minute unscripted conversations with Atlantic Union youth and young adults, recorded in New York City; Syracuse, New York; and Massachusetts. In Bermuda, Let’s Connect Live was broadcast live on the Internet and on Bermuda’s Adventist-owned cable television channel ATV.

AUAM is an official production affiliate of Hope Channel and 3ABN. AUAM remains committed to producing quality Christian programming that can be viewed on any of the Adventist networks, local networks, or online at as they do their part in spreading the gospel.

About the AUAM Team
The AUAM team members are all volunteers who hail from such places as the United States, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Montserrat. They are all professionals in their own right.

When they are on the job for AUAM, they give their all to the honor and glory of God. They aim to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to their viewers in live audiences, on television, and on the Internet in as professional a manner as possible.

AUAM Annual Offering – August 30
Today, AUAM is challenged by aged equipment with no availability for parts or service. AUAM must now embark on a transition from equipment that is standard definition (SD) to high definition (HD).

This year’s annual union-wide offering for the AUAM ministry will be taken in Atlantic Union churches on Sabbath, August 30. This is a first for AUAM and they do not want to miss out on the financial blessings God can give through His people.

A major focus of your offering, sponsorships, and donations is to help to upgrade the truck and equipment to get it back to full operation. This will allow the AUAM ministry to continue to expand and better serve its constituent churches.

God knows the impact the AUAM media ministry has had and is having on the lives of people in the Atlantic Union territory and beyond. We thank the director, team members, and all others who also volunteer for service in this ministry. This is another avenue of fulfilling the mission of the Atlantic Union Conference to “lead all people, through the power of the everlasting gospel, into a growing, balanced, mature Christian experience to develop the church family, to serve the local community, and to prepare every person for the soon coming of Jesus Christ.”

Ednor A. P. Davison is the editor of the Atlantic Union Gleaner and assistant to the president for communication in the Atlantic Union Conference.